The basics (pinned — scroll down for current updates)

(Updated May 21, 2024)

Winner of the 2013 Herblock award; 2015 Society of Illustrators Silver Medal recipient; two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award for Cartooning; 2015 first place AAN Award for Cartooning; 2015 Pulitzer finalist. Also, Pearl Jam album cover artist.

—SUPPORT THIS CARTOON: subcribe to Sparky’s List as if Sparky’s life depends on it! Because it kind of does!  You’ll get to read the cartoon a day before it goes live anywhere, and you’ll get exclusive access to my weekly newsletter, featuring behind-the-scenes notes about each cartoon and various supplementary ramblings. And you’ll be helping to keep this cartoon sustainable in a media environment that grows more challenging by the day.

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Continue reading “The basics (pinned — scroll down for current updates)”

Thank you to all

There’s been a big uptick in donations the past couple of weeks. I try to say thank you to each person individually, but I’m not operating at peak efficiency right now, due to … (gestures vaguely at everything). So I just wanted to post a sincere, all encompassing note of thanks here, and let you know how much I appreciate it. Hang in there, everyone.

Quarantine fun time

A punch-out version of this was included as a bonus with the big TMW25 compilation a few years back. You should be able to download a full size copy here. I’d suggest using a dull blade to score where the dotted lines indicated, otherwise should be self-explanatory.

Life in the coronaverse

Friends, it has been a really strange three years.

Three years ago in November Donald Trump was elected president of these United States, and we all woke up the next morning staring at one another in disbelief, if we even managed to sleep that night at all (I, personally, did not). We felt like we had somehow veered suddenly into the wrong alternate universe. We had all become unwilling residents of the Stupidverse.

Two years ago in November, a similar seismic shock hit my personal life, as I found out that my marriage of nearly twenty years was over, suddenly, brutally, without warning. I didn’t sleep much that night, either. And for a long time after that, nothing in the world made sense, outside of my life or in it. Continue reading “Life in the coronaverse”