What an Amazing Accomplishment

It’s September 12, 2001. You’re sitting in front of a TV, watching footage of the World Trade Center collapse over and over and over again.

All of a sudden, someone from seven years in the future walks out of a tiny temporal vortex, and tells you: George W. Bush is going to fuck this up so badly that in 2008, the United States of America will likely elect as president a black man whose middle name is Hussein and whose father was Muslim. Oh, and he also admits he’s used cocaine.

I think it would have been easier to convince me of the reality of time travel. “No, no, I believe you really are from the future. But the other stuff, that’s CRAZY.”

Poll: 68% Want Troops Out Of Iraq Within Six Months

A new poll by International Communications Research found 68% of Americans want Congress to use the power of the purse to bring all troops home from Iraq within the next six months. This is up from 54% last September.

While this was paid for by Democrats.com, ICR is a straight and narrow polling company. These are valid results:

Should Congress:

Give President Bush 100 billion dollars to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for the rest of 2008 and beyond

Give President Bush 170 billion dollars to keep U.S. troops in Iraq in 2009 and beyond

Give President Bush 50 billion dollars to bring U.S. troops safely home within 6 Months

Require President Bush to use existing funds to bring U.S. troops safely home within 6 months

Don’t know

Refused to answer


Starting this week, due to a slight rearrangement of my own work schedule, new cartoons will be posted on Salon on Tuesdays rather than Mondays.