
The entire week I spent in Seattle, it was sunny and warm. Since I’ve been back on the East Coast, it’s been grey and drizzly and cool.

These are not the weather patterns to which I have grown accustomed!

Fan mail from some flounder

Tom-You’ve got to come up with some new material. The dim bulbs that actually get political information out of the Creative Loafing and Rolling Stone might actually not notice but your hard-on for Glen Beck is starting to get reduntent. I mean to a point that your otherwise ridiculous comic is actually outdoing itself in how retarded it really is. Come up with some new stuff would ya?

Great point! We don’t want to be “reduntent”! Why, in the last six months, I’ve mentioned the right wing’s most popular rising commentator at least twice!* I hope my editors at Rolling Stone don’t get wind of this, particularly in light of the fact that my work has never appeared in Rolling Stone!

Glenn Beck’s fans apparently have the same distant, somewhat strained relationship to reality as the man himself …


*In the cartoon, which this letter references. Mr. Beck admittedly comes up more often here in the informal setting of the blog.

Deep thought

Thinking that changing the color scheme on your blog will somehow help the protestors in Iran has to be the wankiest thing I’ve heard since … well, since about anything that came out of the rightwing wankosphere circa 2003.