
New Sparky’s List subscriptions are momentarily suspended, because there’s some sort of glitch with the signup process. I’m not sure if the problem is on Mailchimp’s end or Amazon’s; I’ve just sent desperate emails to both. I’ll update when I have more info.

I’m putting a couple screenshots below the fold so I can easily reference them to whoever gets back to me.

When would-be subscribers click on this link:

They get this message:

The error message reads: “Caller Input Exception: Caller does not have a FPS Caller Account”

Additionally, subscriptions up for automatic renewal are being rejected with this error message: “Failure – AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials, unsubscribed”

UPDATE: Ruben Bolling’s INNER HIVE appears to be having the same problem. Hoping Mailchimp and/or Amazon fix this promptly or we are both in for a huge headache…