Busy week

Just spent the week at Netroots Nation hanging with the Kos crew — met a lot of great people there. Had to cut out a little early unfortunately, to catch Eddie Vedder in Hartford last night. And in response to those who have already emailed, yes, I did the show poster — with a 24 hour turnaround, no less. (Something else fell through and they were in a last-minute jam, and I was happy to be able to help.) I’m really pleased with how this turned out — the silk-screeners did an amazing job with various metallic and pearlescent inks that really bring the poster to life. I’ll probably be selling a signed/numbered edition at some point, in a month or two — watch this space for details.

… adding: if you want me to hold a spot on the list for you, send an email … tomtomorrow — at — gmail — dotcom.