The online version of the cartoon is here. (I know, it’s a bit hard to read, not sure why they posted it at that size.)
UPDATE: Watch Keith Olbermann read the strip, here.
My editor at the Voice asked me to do a piece on O’Reilly awhile back, but it proved to be more challenging than I expected. The man’s been satirized to death — there’s a nightly tv show devoted to mocking him, for chrissakes. But after reading an advance copy of his new book for kids, I realized that all I had to do was channel the awkward old-guy-relating-to-the-young-people tone he, or more likely his “co-author,” employed, and everything clicked into place.
(In case any O’Reilly fans are befuddled by the recurrent references to loofahs and falafels, I feel compelled to post a link to Andrea Mackris’ sexual harassment lawsuit.)
(Also, h/t to these guys, who have written the definitive book on O’Reilly, and who have a timely new book on Republican sex scandals.)