

The legacy of Reagan’s policies in the Middle East, meanwhile, are still being paid for – in blood. The cynical promotion of Islamic fundamentalism as a weapon against the Soviets in Afghanistan, the alliance of convenience with Saddam Hussein against Iran, the forging of a new “strategic relationship” with Israel, the corrupt dealings with the House of Saud, and (perhaps most ironic, given Reagan’s tough guy image) the weakeness and indecision of his disastrous intervention in Beruit – all of these helped set the stage for what the neocons now like to call World War IV, and badly weakened the geopolitical ability of the United States to wage that war.

But all this pales in comparison to Reagan’s war crimes in Central America. We’ll probably never know just how stained his hands were by the blood of the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of defenseless peasants who were slaughtered in the Guatemalan highlands, or the leftist politicians, union leaders and human rights activists kidnapped and killed by the Salvadoranian death squads, or the torturned in Honduran prisons, or terrorized by his beloved contras.