Light posting continues

Apologies. The amount of time required to compose a passable cartoon seems to have expanded with the onset of warm weather — the more I want to be outside, the longer I am chained to the desk. Add to this preparations for the next book and various other mundane business matters, and what you end up with is a neglected blog.

The pub date for that book, incidentally, is Winter ’06, but it’ll be worth the wait — it’s going to have more cartoons than my usual every-two-years compilation (as distinct from the Big Book treasury) and — this is the very cool part — it’s going to be entirely in color.

In other merchandise news, these bad boys should be available for sale within the next few weeks…

The photo doesn’t do them justice, I really can’t express how fricking massive they are…

(photo of sparky & blinky removed due to tech difficulties — back up soon).

Aw, hell

Even in this day and age, it sometimes takes bad news awhile to catch up with you. I just found out that a friend of mine named Steve Moss passed away last week. Steve was publisher of the San Luis Obispo New Times, and was an early and steadfast supporter of my cartoon. There’s a page of tributes to him here.


Someone in Strasbourg is repurposing very, very old Tom Tomorrow cartoons to advertise their events…


I’ve had occasion to deal with both MacConnection and MacMall this week. MacConnection was superb to deal with. MacMall, however…somehow I accidentally ordered two of these little peripheral gizmos when I only needed one, and trying to call to straighten it out, I’ve now been on hold for 24 minutes and counting, listening to 80’s era Phil Collins music periodically interrupted by the “please continue to hold your business is important to us” message.

It goes without saying that MacMall will never get any of my business, ever again. And I’m kind of hoping they won’t get yours either.

…35 minutes. Part of me is tempted to see just how long they’ll leave a customer on hold, but my phone battery is almost exhausted, and it’s beginning to look as if the answer is “indefinitely.” Looks like I may have an extra KVM switch for sale, if anyone needs one.