I probably won’t be able to attend, but it sounds like merriment will be had:

EXIT ART presents
an exhibition and the release of
World War 3 illustrated
25th anniversary issue
6-8 PM
475 10TH AVE. (AT 36TH ST.)
NYC 10018

The release party will also be the opening of a show of original art from WW3 with many of the artists in attendance.

Show will remain on display through Oct 27th
Gallery hours
Tues-Thurs 10-6
Fri 10-8
Sat 12-8
(212) 966-7745

WW3 is the longest running zine in history.

The new issue,”Neo Con” #36 edited by Ryan Inzana and Peter Kuper, includes a wraparound cover by Sue Coe and art, articles and comics by “the usual gang of agitators” including Eric Drooker, Seth Tobocman, Sabrina Jones,Mac Mcgill, Ryan Inzana, James Romberger,Chuck Sperry, Nicole Schulman (who co-edited a recent book on the history of the Wobblies ) plus a 9-11 strip by Zap comix luminary, Spain written byJustin Wertham , Joe Sacco’s account as an embedded journalist in Iraq, Princes Of Darkness an article on the history of Neo Cons by Eric Laursen as well as comics and illustrations by Steve Brodner,Tom Tomorrow, Sam Weber, Barron Storey, Barry Blitt, David Rees, Knickerbocker,Matt Bors,Tauno Biltsted,Sam Evans, Felix Sockwell and Thomas Fuchs.

For the first time in our history WW3 includes a color section with a new installment of Peter Kuper’s Richie Bush and Penny Allen’s WAR IS HELL a “Fumetti” (photo comic) assembled with photos by an American Sgt. in Iraq with his running commentary.

Please join us.

An Insider’s View of Miers

The President’s former speechwriter has a few things to say about Harriet Miers, like this complete dis :

I believe I was the first to float the name of Harriet Miers, White House counsel, as a possible Supreme Court. Today her name is all over the news. I have to confess that at the time, I was mostly joking.
. . .
In the White House that hero worshipped the president, Miers was distinguished by the intensity of her zeal: She once told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met. She served Bush well, but she is not the person to lead the court in new directions – or to stand up under the criticism that a conservative justice must expect.

Brilliant?! Wow. She didn’t just drink some of the Kool-Aid, she drank the whole damn pitcher. But that was last week, here’s what Frum has to say today :

I worked with Harriet Miers. She’s a lovely person: intelligent, honest, capable, loyal, discreet, dedicated … I could pile on the praise all morning. But nobody would describe her as one of the outstanding lawyers in the United States. And there is no reason at all to believe either that she is a legal conservative or – and more importantly – that she has the spine and steel necessary to resist the pressures that constantly bend the American legal system toward the left.

I am not saying that she is not a legal conservative. I am not saying that she is not steely. I am saying only that there is no good reason to believe either of these things. Not even her closest associates on the job have no good reason to believe either of these things. In other words, we are being asked by this president to take this appointment purely on trust, without any independent reason to support it. And that is not a request conservatives can safely grant.
. . .
She rose to her present position by her absolute devotion to George Bush. I mentioned last week that she told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met. To flatter on such a scale a person must either be an unscrupulous dissembler, which Miers most certainly is not, or a natural follower. And natural followers do not belong on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Ideology and experience don’t really matter as long as the person is a team player. I bet all of you social conservatives who voted for Bush feel pretty stupid now, huh? Justice Brownie, anyone?