For the film buffs in the audience

My friend Louis in Austin sent me this:

Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse has on an ongoing basis the Rolling Roadshow – an inflatable screen, good projection and sound — so they can show films at different locations. They showed Jaws on a beach where everybody had to have their feet in the water, Dazed and Confused at the Park where the park party scene was filmed, Goonies at the bottom of a cave, Earthquake on the Balcones Fault, Friday the 13th at a summer camp, and Shock Corridor at an insane asylum.

Last year they literally took their show on the road. They screened Close Encounters of the Third Kind at the Devil’s Tower, Once Upon a Time in the West in Monument Valley, Last Picture Show in Archer City, TX, It Came From Outer Space 3D in Roswell, NM, North By Northwest in Bakersfield, CA where Cary Grant runs from the biplane (they had the screening buzzed by crop dusters) and so on.

They are doing it again this year:

The Warriors shown in Coney Island, Brooklyn.
Aug. 2

BEFORE THE SCREENING: Subway Scavenger Hunt – Meeting Location: 97th Street and Riverside Park (the filming location of the conclave) – Teams can sign up in groups of nine delegates. All participants are requested to be in full ‘colors’, just as gang members are in the film. The heir to Cyrus will be there to kick off the rally and give your team instructions. The team that arrives at the screening location first with all aspects of the scavenger hunt completed wins. Prizes: Brunch on Thursday August 3rd with some of the original Warriors, and a set of nine leather Warriors vests!
AFTER THE SCREENING: Members of the cast and crew will conduct a Q&A. Confirmed cast members are Deborah Van Valkenburgh (Mercy) , Michael Beck (Swan), Roger Hill (Cyrus), David Harris (Cochise), Terry Michos (Vermin), Brian Tyler (Snow), Dorsey Wright (Cleon), Tom McKitterick (Cowboy), and Thomas G. Waites (Fox). Stay tuned for more confirmations.
If anyone knows how to find PAUL GRECO please have him contact

Jaws shown at Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard
Saturday, August 5


Clerks shown in an empty lot across the street from the convenience store where it was shot.
The Quick Stop, 58 Leonard Ave., Leonardo, N.J.
Aug. 8

BEFORE THE SCREENING: “Quick Stop Street Hockey Cup” Event Time: 5:30 Sign up, Face Off: 6:00
Dante was never supposed to go to work that day – he had a street hockey game that afternoon. As a part of the event, you can compete in the Clerks inspired “Quick Stop Street Hockey Cup”. Stay tuned for more details on how to enter.
AFTER THE SCREENING: Kevin Smith and members of the cast of Clerks will answer questions.


Ferris Buellers Day Off at the Cedar Lane Water Tower, Cedar Lane, Northbrook Il. (The “Save Ferris” water tower),
Aug. 10

AFTER THE SCREENING: “John Hughes” 80s Prom – Join Netflix for an 80s prom, a tribute to “brat pack” director John Hughes. Vintage formal attire suggested but not required. A Prom King and Queen will be crowned at the dance. Dance contest will be judged by celebrity judges. The prom is 21 + and there will be an open bar . All attendees of the film are welcome to join us at the Prom. You MUST pick up a wristband at the screening location registration to gain entrance to the prom.


Field of Dreams at Left and Center Field of Dreams, 30318 Golf Course Road, Dyersville, IA
Aug. 11

BEFORE THE SCREENING: At 6:00 PM, Baseball players, families and movie fans alike can come out early to participate in the Shoeless Joe Jackson Run the Bases Tournament. At 7:00, the “Ghost Players” will emerge from the corn field, “have a catch,” meet the fans and answer questions about the making of Field of Dreams.
*Please note, there are two properties associated with the Field of Dreams. Our event is being held at Left and Center Field of Dreams.

The Shining at the Stanley Hotel, 333 Wonderview Ave Estes Park, CO
Aug. 16
This screening is free, seating is first come first serve.

BEFORE THE SCREENING: 10 Minute Horror Story Contest: In honor of the Stanley Hotel’s place in the horror writing genre, Netflix will be accepting entrants in a horror story writing contest. Entrants will compete to write a short horror story in 10 minutes. Before contestants start writing, we will reveal an opening line of dialogue, an object to be incorporated and a charater’s name. Contestants have 10 minutes to write a short “Stephen King inspired” horror story. Every entrant gets to read their stories. The winning short story will receive a $1000 cash prize!

Complete the experience and reserve a room at the Stanley Hotel

THE SEARCHERS at Gouldings Lodge, 1000 Main Street at Highway 163 Monument Valley, UTAH
Aug. 18

If the West is defined by the landscape of John Wayne films, this location is the epicenter. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the quintessential John Ford and John Wayne film. We’ll be screening the movie in the great outdoors near Gouldings Lodge, where director Ford and the cast and crew s stayed while filming “The Searchers.”
BEFORE THE SCREENING: The day of the screening, a tour of the shooting locations in the valley will be available. The Lodge is housed in an original 1920s trading post that featuring a museum devoted to the area’s cinematic and Native American history.

Raising Arizona at 6109 N. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ
Aug. 20

BEFORE THE SCREENING: Nathan Jr. Scavenger Hunt – Continuing the plot line from the movie, you can compete in the Nathan Jr. Scavenger Hunt before the film. Teams will meet at 1 p.m. at Lost Dutchman State Park in Apache Junction. Each team will be given a list of items to be hunted, photos to be taken and additional challenges. A list of clues will lead teams to 10 Nathan Jr. baby dolls hidden around the area. Teams will report back at 7 p.m. with their items, photos and dolls.

AFTER THE SCREENING: Stick around after the film to watch a slide show of some of the more inspired scavenger hunt photos set to the soundtrack of “Raising Arizona.” The winning scavenger hunt team will also be announced. Grand prize: a vintage Airstream trailer similar to the one H.I. and Ed shared in the movie.


Poseidon Adventure at R.M.S. Queen Mary, The Queen’s Salon, 1126 Queens Hwy., Long Beach, CA
Aug. 24

Star Stella Stevens live in person!

BEFORE THE SCREENING: VIP Winners will be treated to an invitation-only cocktail party before the screening on board the now permanently-docked Queen Mary. Memorabilia and photos from the making of the film will be on display.
AFTER THE SCREENING: Following the screening, winners of VIP tickets will take a guided tour of the elegant and historic ship, with an emphasis on the filming locations of “Poseidon Adventure.”
Since there is limited space at this location, tickets will be required for the screening. Check the Netflix Site for promotional details about how tickets can be won.


Escape From Alcatraz at Alcatraz Island – Take the Ferry from Pier 41 in Fisherman’s Wharf on the Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA
Aug. 26

BEFORE THE SCREENING: Enjoy a tour of the prison’s filming locations and a VIP reception.
AFTER THE SCREENING: winners can spend the night in Cell Block D, the maximum security wing of the prison, where Al Capone and the Birdman of Alcatraz were locked up.

The jokes just write themselves

If by “jokes” you mean “painful ironies which fill any marginally self-aware person with anger and despair.”


“This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others. It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect, so I vetoed it.”

Jesus H. Christ.

BAGHDAD, 20 July (IRIN) – The Iraqi government says it is worried about increasing sectarian violence in the country, following statistics released by the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) stating that nearly 6,000 civilians were killed in May and June alone.

“Sectarian violence in Iraq is increasing and day after day more bodies are being found countrywide after suffering serious torture,” says Lt. Col. Abdel-Kareem Hassan, a senior official in the Ministry of Interior. “The numbers presented by UNAMI has just confirmed this is reality and also increases fear among the local population.

“We [the government] have to act fast in holding talks with insurgents and the reconciliation plan should be put in practice to prevent more innocent civilians from dying due to the lack of security.”

According to the UNAMI report, insurgent, militia and terrorist attacks continued unabated in many parts of Iraq, especially in Baghdad and in the central and western regions.

“A total of 5,818 civilians were reportedly killed and at least 5,762 wounded during May and June 2006,” the report stated. “Killings, kidnappings and torture remain widespread. Fear resulting from these and other crimes continued to increase internal displacement and outflows of Iraqis to neighbouring countries.”

In the first six months of the year, 14,338 people were killed, the report added. The statistics were compiled with help from the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health says that more than 50,000 people have been killed “in a brutal way” since April 2003. “All these bodies were unrecognisable and suffered serious torture,” says Safa’a Yehia, senior official in the Ministry of Heath. “What is more shocking is that this included women and children. We have reached a serious deterioration in conditions and instead of an improvement of this sectarian violence, the death toll is rising without control.”

Click through for links, I’m feeling lazy.

An open letter to David Carr at the New York Times


I have some thoughts about how the media have been covering the blogs lately that I’d like to share with you (and with my readers, hence the public format). First, I should make it clear up front that I understand you are not the author of, nor are you personally responsible for, any of the articles and/or media trends discussed below. However, since I don’t really have a lot of contacts at the Times, and since I’ve known you for awhile now, going back to your days in what we quaintly refer to as the “alternative press” — and more importantly, since blogs and New Media are at least part of your beat at the Times — I’m directing this toward you in the hope that you’ll be receptive to it.

To make a long story short, the mainstream corporate media in general, as well as the Times in particular, are missing the real story about the blogs lately, as everyone focuses on all the awful hate and anger emanating from the left, and specifically, how it’s being directed toward poor ol’ Joe Lieberman. It is true that language has been used on the left wing blogs that would not be appropriate for a polite tea party, or a church social, and I would certainly like to extend my sincere apologies, on behalf of my friends in the liberal blogging community, to those of your colleagues whose response has been a heartfelt “Mercy me!” as they fan themselves and clutch their pearls and wonder what the world is coming to. (Mostly what someone like, say, David Brooks is responding to in this context is probably the phrase “Rape Gurney Joe,” which I believe was coined by Jane Hamsher in response to Joe Lieberman’s suggestion that rape victims unable to receive appropriate medical treatment at a Catholic hospital should simply take a “short hike” to another facility. Personally, I’m more offended by the insensitivity of the Senator toward victims of a brutal and dehumanizing crime — but maybe that’s just me.)

The thing is, David, that while your colleagues focus on the occasional swear word or internecine pissing match on left wing blogs, they mostly ignore what’s happening on the right half of the blogosphere. And it’s a fever swamp over there, it really is. Accusations of treason, made in utter seriousness, are routinely levelled against journalists who have the audacity to report the facts, and against Democratic Senators who have the temerity to oppose the president. To their credit, Newsweek’s Blogwatch column this week notes a prominent right-wing blogger responding to the Supreme Court’s Hamdan decision with the comment “Five ropes, five robes, five trees. Some assembly required.” (A similar sentiment, aimed at journalists, can be found on the site of a t-shirt company that frequently advertises on right-wing blogs.) Here’s one question: if such rhetoric can be laughed off by your colleagues as mere hyperbole — particularly when they are frequently the suggested target — why on earth do they get so worked up over a few allegedly foul-mouthed liberals?

One example I’m sure you’re aware of: when the Travel Section of the New York Times published a puff piece about Cheney and Rumsfeld’s vacation homes, the right-wing blogosphere concluded that it was a deliberate attempt to aid an Al Qaeda assassination plot. Starting out from this delusional premise, they decided that the only appropriate response was to seek out and publicize the addresses and home phone numbers of New York Times reporters in retaliation — and started with the unfortunate freelance photographer who shot the article’s accompanying photos with Secret Service permission.

These are not people upon whom reality exerts an undue influence. It would be laughable, if not for the very real possibility that some nutcase out there will take it all a little too seriously.

So how about it? How about writing the story that really needs to be written — the story of major right wing blogs, and the unhinged rhetoric and implied threats they either routinely employ or uncritically link to? I’m sure Glenn Greenwald would be happy to talk to you — he’s been covering this lately with the single-minded focus of a former trial attorney (which he is). For example:

The extremist and increasingly deranged rhetoric and tactics found in the right-wing blogosphere — not only among obscure bloggers but promoted and disseminated by its most-read and influential bloggers — is, indeed, “a very common disease.” When it becomes commonplace to hurl accusations of treason against domestic political opponents, or when calls for imprisonment and/or hanging of journalists and political leaders become the daily fare — all of which is true for the pro-Bush blogosphere — those are serious developments. And they merit discussion and examination by the media.

Instead of yet another story on whether Kos diarists are arguing with each other more than before or whether liberal bloggers curse too much, let us read about the extremist rhetoric, vicious character smears, and deliberate incitement to violence that has become the staple of the largest pro-Bush blogs –Malkin, Powerline, Instapundit and LGF — along with the bloggers whom they tirelessly promote. Hundreds of thousands of people each day, including pundits and television news producers, are reading this material. The journalistic value in examining it and reporting on it ought to be self-evident.

…LGF has a post today entitled “The Media are the Enemy” — a title which really summarizes one of the principal points made on a daily basis by the blogs maintained by Powerline, Instapundit, and Malkin. Today’s treasonous act is that a NYT photographer took photographs of a member of Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army engaged in combat with American forces. Apparently, taking a photograph of someone engaged in a war is the same as aiding and abetting them and being on their side and rooting for them to win. Hence, photographers who take photographs of the enemy are themselves “the enemy.”

LGF then links to Jeff Goldstein, who — in a post entitled “Sleeping with the Enemy” — declares: “Looks like the NYT has decided to go with neutrality over objectivity—essentially severing ties with their own country in the service of what they believe is a higher journalistic good: Pulitzer Prizes.” He then thanks Michelle Malkin for the tip.Goldstein’s post is then predictably followed by comments such as this:

It is clear (as it has been) that the NYT’s has chosen their side. They should suffer the consequences thereof. I just hope they do.

And this:

Talk of treason is out of fashion for some reason, but I could see some photographer hanged without losing too much sleep over it.

And this:

As i said over at LGF, pity the reporter didn’t catch any return fire.

That’s just from the first few comments I looked at following Goldstein’s Treason Accusation of The Day against the NYT. Undoubtedly, there are scores more like them as his comment thread “evolves.”

That’s just the briefest taste, David. Media Matters has more here. Glenn has more too (this is a particularly good rundown of some appallingly lazy media coverage of the blogs).

As I tried to point out in this cartoon, I don’t know why the mainstream media continue to not only give these right-wing bloggers a pass, but in many cases to actively provide them with a larger platform — because these people despise you. They think you’re the enemy. “Rope, Tree, Journalist” — you think that’s just a wacky harmless joke? They want to publish your home addresses — one right wing blog has published satellite photos of Arthur Sulzburger’s home, for chrissakes. You think they’re encouraging their readers to stop by with unexpected gifts, or maybe pizza and beer? They’re immature children lashing out with threats of implied violence that they probably don’t really ever expect to see carried out — but I’m sure you know as well as I do how many crazy people are out there online. Somebody has to shine a light on this before it gets out of hand, because otherwise, one of these days, we’re going to have another Alan Berg on our hands.

When liberals criticize the media, we do so because we want you to do your job better. When right-wingers criticize the media, they do so because they want to destroy you.

See the difference?

So that’s my pitch. Your colleagues have written enough stories about how left wingers use swear words. It’s time for somebody smart to take a real, in-depth look at how major right wing blogs, some with circulations that are probably higher than you enjoyed as an altweekly editor, are actively inciting violence against politicians and judges and journalists — and to call bullshit on it.

So again: how about it?

Your friend,

Tom Tomorrow

Emily Litella speaks out on the situation in the middle east

Your heart just has to break to see these Shiite children in Lebanon smiling and writing “messages” on the rockets that soon will devastate Israeli homes. What kind of sick society produces little girls who exult in the infliction of pain against people they’ve never met?

And look at the woman in the background, presumably their mother—clearly she approves! Sadly, until the Arabs let go of their culture of incitement and rage, I’m afraid there’s no concession Israel can ever make that will bring peace with these people.

What’s that?

Those aren’t Lebanese girls writing on Hezbollah rockets, but Israeli girls writing on Israeli shells?


Never mind.

(Via via.)