One last Neil

A video from the new CD, featuring scenes from An Inconvenient Truth.


And this concludes Neil Week, here at TMW. For further Neil Young updates, be sure to check out his official website. My thanks again to Bill Bentley at Lookout Management for providing the CDs. I’m going to shut the contest down pretty soon — once the note is gone from the announcements box above, that means it’s over. I think this also concludes my contributions for our broadcast week, though others may pitch in — I was up half the night due to a power outage and I’m a little frazzled today. Be sure to scroll down to Bob’s entry about his new book, if you missed it. (By the way: I really, really enjoyed his book, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about Jeopardy; the only time I’ve seen an episode in maybe fifteen years was when Bob was on. This is a wise and funny book and it’s about much more than a game show, though fans of that show will find much to enjoy as well.)

eBay scam update

If you visit this blog regularly, you’re probably already aware of my run-in with a Nigerian eBay scammer calling himself Mike Nike. Short story: I was auctioning off some very rare posters with a relatively high Buy It Now price. Mike Nike used the Buy it Now button and then sent me an email in which he explained that he would send me a money order but the money order had already accidentally been made out for a sum higher than the amount he owed me. I was to cash the money order and then send him the difference via Western Union, preferrably the same day.

The scam, obviously, is that the money order is counterfeit, but passable, so that the bank is fooled for a short period of time — if all goes according to our Nigerian friend’s plan, long enough for you to wire him the money. Soon thereafter, the bank and/or the police pay you a little visit. (This is a standard part of the generic Nigerian “I-have-to-transfer-ten-million-dollars-out-of-the-country” email scam — about which much more can be read here.)

The reason I’m bringing this up again is that I just got an email from a woman who is not a regular visitor to this site, but who almost got sucked in by our old friend Mike Nike. She got taken a little further down the path than I did, going so far as to provide her home address, but sensing that something wasn’t quite right, she googled the name and ended up here. And thanks to that post, she learned what she was dealing with.

So here’s the real point: Any eBay seller using their “Buy It Now” button is vulnerable to this scam. Not everyone is as cynical and suspicious of humanity in general as your host. I have no doubt that people are getting taken in by this. So why doesn’t eBay do everything in their power to let people know about this specific scam? I have a few guesses: because they don’t want the bad press, don’t want to scare away sellers, don’t want to discourage people from using Buy it Now.

Well, I’m calling bullshit on that. Ebay can’t be blamed for the scam, but they sure bear the blame for not trying harder to warn people. And I don’t mean the generic “be careful when you use eBay” messages they send out occasionally — I mean a specific warning about this specific scam.

And the thing is, there’s a really easy fix, which sellers can already set up as an option: anyone using “Buy It Now” has to pay immediately by Paypal. Make this mandatory for everyone, and the problem is solved. (I know that not everyone likes to use Paypal, but I imagine most people also don’t like to be taken in by Nigerian scammers).

At any rate, the last post helped at least one person, maybe this one will help somebody else.


Remember how the Republicans sent all those staffers down to Florida to pose as average citizens protesting the recount in 2000? The Lieberman campaign is emulating their tactics.

Somebody should tell them about the internet. Makes it much harder to get away with this crap.

One more from Neil

Classic live 1978 performance of “Like a Hurricane.”

I’m going to close this week’s contest down at noon EST tomorrow, so if you want to be in the running to win a copy of Neil Young’s powerful new CD, you’d better hurry up and send an email.

I’ve got some more giveaways lined up, but I think I’ll be taking next week off to give my inbox a rest. I’m getting innundated here.

More Republicans for Joe

The base rallies:

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 18:52:09 -0400
From: “[windows-1252] College Republicans”
Reply-To: College Republicans To: collegerepublicans@PRINCETON.EDU
Subject: Unconventional Primary Campaign Opportunity (LIEBERMAN)


I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. In June, I informed you all of a campaign opportunity for State Senator Tom Kean race for U.S. Senate in NJ. Continuing the tradition of letting you about summer campaign opportunities here is a much more unconventional option:

Incumbent Senator Joe Lieberman (Democratic Primary)
Lieberman is facing a tough primary fight versus far-left anti war activist Ned Lamont.
August 4-9th Primary Campaigning:

Elissa Harwood ’09 (NOT A CLUB MEMBER) has organized a series of buses departing on Friday August 4 from Washington DC (6:30 Foggy Bottom Metro) and NYC, destination: Hartford, CT

People interested in campaigning for Lieberman in the Democratic Primary will have lodging accommodations paid for (by his campaign), as well as food and transportation.

Buses would bring you back on August 9th.

If Interested, E-mail: XXX@Princeton.EDU or call her
at (757)-XXX-XXXX.