Political Noodling

I’ve read so many “Republicans are in trouble” articles that they’re starting to take on an almost jazz-like quality. Journalists, bloggers, and pundits are riffing on poll numbers and conventional wisdom the way musicians improvise on a melody. There’s so many familiar themes being weaved together like Foley, Abramoff, Iraq, and Katrina that you’d think it would get repetitive after a while, but I gotta admit that it’s a pretty damn catchy tune.

But, it’s sad when a major media outlet like Newsweek is consumed with playing the same song that they end up burying a lede like this (via Digg):

Other parts of a potential Democratic agenda receive less support, especially calls to impeach Bush: 47 percent of Democrats say that should be a “top priority,” but only 28 percent of all Americans say it should be, 23 percent say it should be a lower priority and nearly half, 44 percent, say it should not be done. (Five percent of Republicans say it should be a top priority and 15 percent of Republicans say it should be a lower priority; 78 percent oppose impeachment.) Rolling back some of the Bush tax cuts would be contentious too: 38 percent of Americans say the Dems should make that a top priority; 28 percent say it should be a lower priority; and 28 percent say it shouldn’t be done at all.

Now wait a second…doesn’t 28% plus 23% equal 51%? I’d think that a poll showing the majority of Americans favor impeaching the President would be pretty newsworthy, especially considering that this far exceeds the numbers of a President that actually was impeached. If the majorities favoring impeachment and repealing Bush’s tax cuts is how Newsweek defines “less support”, then the GOP is in a lot more trouble that I thought. I still can’t bring myself to start celebrating before the polls even open, but it’s nice to hear.

Another Trebekistan review

Congratulations to Bob for yet another nice review of Prisoner of Trebekistan…this time in a tiny, obscure publication called the New York Times:

Harris has been, among other things, a stand-up comic, and it shows in his book, in lively phrases and an ear for the incongruous…He is a skilled storyteller, and the play-by-play he provides for his various matches pulls you in like a good sports story.

The one strange thing is the reviewer is disappointed that, as presented in Trebekistan and Ken Jennings’ book (reviewed at the same time), “Trebek and his staff are without flaw.” Bob makes it clear contestants can’t say much about the people running Jeopardy! because they barely meet them. There are actual reasons for this; i.e., to prevent accusations of collusion and fraud. It would be a problem for the show if during his winning streak Jennings had been going on luxurious Mediterranean cruises with Trebek and the people who write the clues.

The Face of Stem-Cell Research

This hurts to watch.

If Republicans didn’t care about stem cell research after the Gipper’s wife and son begged them to support it, they certainly aren’t going to care now. It would be nice if they were as concerned about saving the lives of human beings as they are about saving frozen embryos, but that’s the way things go with the GOP. They’re obsessed with protecting “life”, but curiously only define the term in abstract ways that benefit them politically. Gosh, it must be nice to take the moral high-ground all the time.

Ha ha

Limbaugh is calling Republican voters who don’t plan to vote a straight party ticket this election “cut-and-runners.”

That’s certainly going to win some hearts and minds.


Just in case you’re one of those readers whose eyes automatically skip over the announcements space above, I want to point out the poster I’ve got up on eBay at the moment. Also, while I know it’s pretty early to start thinking about these things, I want to emphasize that I won’t be taking any signed print orders from Dec. 7 through Jan. 6, just to make sure that I can get holiday orders shipped out in time. If you want to order one as a gift, please be sure to plan ahead. Unlikely, I know, since we secular progressives hate Christmas and everything associated with it, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

One other thing: after New Year’s, I’m going to do some housecleaning in the store and get rid of a lot of the older designs. So if there’s something in there you want, order it soon.