Read it at Daily Kos.
Read it at The Nation.
Year in review
It is that time again, when I start compiling the weirdest/strangest/stupidest moments of the past year for what has become something of a tradition, my Year in Review cartoons (previous examples here and here). You get to relive the craziness of the past year, and I get to take a week or two off for the holidays like a normal human being. Everybody wins! The trouble is, I have the approximate memory of a gnat, so these things end up being research-intensive. So today, it’s time for another yearly tradition: my annual plea for help. Send in your suggestions for the craziest of the crazy of the past year, to tomtomorrow (at) gmail (dot) com. I’ll even pick a name at random from all the submissions and send a free signed book, just to sweeten the pot.
Two things you can do to support indie cartoonists
1. Go help Bors meet the stretch goal on his Kickstarter. Deadline’s coming up in a few days.
2. Go buy my damn book.
That is all.
Bank of Bob
Longtime friend of TMW — and longtime personal friend — Bob Harris is featured in the NYT today, in an article about his forthcoming book.