Laff-master Brooks

David Brooks’ latest excursion into banality starts off with a Wacky Premise: since liberals and conservatives favor different media outlets, why, they might as well fly different airlines too! As you might expect, much zaniness ensues. The experience of flying on Liberal Air will be different than flying on normal airlines, and the company will …

Babbling Brooks

The link in a previous post to the Philadelphia Magazine article factchecking David Brooks inspired writer Rick Perlstein (who is an acquaintance of mine) to send the following note to Daniel Okrent at the Times. Since it is unlikely to ever see print there, I thought I’d at least reproduce it here: Dear Mr. Okrent: …

Brooks redux

I really didn’t even scratch the surface of his column yesterday, with its layers upon layers of sheer, forehead-slapping wrongness. Fortunately, others did: Josh Marshall rips into Brooks’ blatantly dishonest rhetorical tactics, particularly his promotion of the nascent right-wing dream meme equating criticism of the neocons with anti-Semitism. Because everyone knows that “neocon” is code …

A thing of beauty

I love watching Krugman open a fresh can of whup-ass, particularly when David Brooks is the recipient. This morning he responds (without mentioning his op-ed colleague by name, of course) to Brook’s recent praise of Charles Murray’s latest. So we have become a society in which less-educated men have great difficulty finding jobs with decent …

I was hoping …

… someone would have the time for a definitive smackdown of yesterday’s egregioius David Brooks column (as opposed to the previous egregious David Brooks column, or the one before that, etc.). Happily for us all, Charles Pierce steps up to the plate. He does, however, interview some very well-spoken poll results, and proceeds to interpret …