
This week’s cartoon was actually one I finished awhile back — I’ve been holding on to it for awhile, waiting for the right moment to run it. The GOP attacks on Michael J. Fox made me think that moment had arrived, and now that the slander machine is in full gear, going after Kerry once again, the timing seems positively serendipitous.


… to Greg’s post, below: Hannity spent most of his radio program today insisting that every Democrat running for every House or Senate seat must repudiate Kerry’s remarks, that this is what this entire election should boil down to! And I thought, yes, you’d be very happy if the entire election turned on your misrepresentation of something a non-candidate said, wouldn’t you? Better that than the actual issues voters will hopefully be considering.


Jeez, this Republican crybaby crap over John Kerry’s comments is just pathetic. It’s amazing to me that the GOP has a reputation for toughness when they throw temper tantrums over meaningless shit. Watching the President of the United States use his bully pulpit to shed crocodile tears is just embarrassing. Maybe the Democrats should just go silent in this last week before the election, lest we bruise the feelings of those delicate little flowers in the Republican party.

As far as the substance of Kerry’s remarks, I don’t give a damn what he said. The only reason this is getting any play at all is because the media and right-wing are desperate to turn Democratic momentum on its head. If the GOP can get people to spend the last week of the election obsessing over the smug jerk from Taxachussets, then they might change a few independent minds. Moreover, the media love, love, love the “Democrats are a house divided” storyline and will jump on any Democrat who says something like “I disagree with Sen. Kerry’s remarks”.

We’ve seen this exact same scenario unfold countless times in response to similarly “controversial” remarks by Howard Dean, Al Gore, and others. If Republicans were so concerned about civility, why would they support racist ads like the ones accusing Democrats of wanting to murder black babies? The GOP sickening and deliberate attempts to distract voters from the real issues in this race shows how little respect they have for voters. The American people aren’t stupid. They’re tired of the GOP’s manufactured outrage machine.

Federalist Wisdom

Over the weekend I was walking around Forest Lawn Memorial Park and stumbled upon the Court of Liberty. It was a pretty standard tribute to the Founding Fathers, but on one side of a rather lage mosaic was this quote that seems more true now than ever before :


So true. Our freedoms haven’t been taken away, they were given away by a populace that has been crippled by fear. With each “accountability moment” that has passed, the American people have agreed to allow the “gradual and silent encroachments” of our freedom to continue. With an election just one week away, here’s hoping that we can finally heed the words of the father of our Constitution and reclaim our liberty from powerful elites who see the Bill of Rights as little more than a technicality.