Last call

However this election plays out, one thing is certain: a lot of the merchandise in my store will be obsolete. I think I’m going to shut the whole thing down in a couple of weeks and revamp it all from scratch, probably with a more limited selection. So if there’s anything there you want, grab it now.

Political Speechwriting 101

Sarah Palin, tonight :

“Here’s how I look at the choice Americans face in this election. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”

Mystery Men :

Mr. Furious: Okay, am I the only one who finds these sayings just a little bit formulaic? “If you want to push something down, you have to pull it up. If you want to go left, you have to go right.” It’s…

The Sphinx: Your temper is very quick, my friend. But until you learn to master your rage…

Mr. Furious: …your rage will become your master? That’s what you were going to say. Right? Right?

The Sphinx: Not necessarily.

Republicans on my teevee

–Were those Greek columns behind Bush? Does he think he is a Greek god?

–Eight years giving speeches as president, and he still looks like he’s about to break into laughter at any moment.

–Is it really appropriate for a sitting president to denounce Americans so explicitly (“the Angry Left”)? I thought decorum required at least a pretense of being above the fray.

… also: the GOP is so desperate to portray McCain as a “maverick” (i.e., not a continuation of the Bush dynasty) that they highlight, during prime time, the fact that he used to date a stripper…? The family values party gets stranger by the day.

…. and: “The respect [McCain’s] given around the world is not because of a Teleprompter speech designed to appeal to America’s critics abroad.” So said Fred Thompson, who I’m absolutely certain wasn’t using one of them fancy Teleprompter machines at the time.

Beating a metaphor within an inch of its life.

I like to think of conventions like reunion shows for a band that nobody listens to anymore. For the Dems last week, the band sounded like they did at their peak. The nailed every song and even the stuff they played from their new album was really good. Even the guys you were completely sick of kicked ass.

For the Republicans, however, you’re just reminded why you hated their band in the first place. They’re playing the same crappy songs you’ve heard a million times before and you can totally tell their hearts aren’t in it. Then again, it’s hard to avoid seeming stuck in the past when your two frontmen are a patronizing old guy from TV who always sounds like he’s tired and an attention-seeking droopy dog who thrives on publicly trashing his bandmates.