How the Case Was Solved

Police first became suspicious when Ashley Todd claimed that a large black man mugged her, raped her, carved a B in her face for Barack, and then ran off shouting, “Now I’m going to apply for a subprime mortage which the federal government will force the bank to give me under the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act!”

FAIR’s New Blog

Whether bloggers know it or not, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting is the grandfather of most of the progressive blogosphere. FAIR, which was founded in 1986, was the first place to do progressive media criticism in a sustained, systematic way. Their influence has been enormous—so much so that it’s often hard to see, like a movie that changed movies afterwards so much that when you finally see the original, you can’t tell what the big deal was.

So it’s great that FAIR now has a blog of its own. I urge you to visit early and often.

In related news, John Caruso has examined FAIR’s coverage of Ralph Nader’s presidential campaign in 2000, 2004, and 2008. Let’s see how those guys like rational, relentlessly fact-based critique NOW!!!

Captain Greenspan is Shocked, Shocked to Find That Gambling Is Going On in Here

This is from Alan Greenspan’s testimony today (pdf) in front of the House Oversight Committee:

Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder’s equity (myself especially) are in a state of shocked disbelief.

Hank Paulson then responded that the bailout may be the “beginning of a beautiful friendship” between himself and Greenspan.

Note to New Yorkers

Something you might want to do if you’re free Sunday evening:

David Rees will present a comprehensive history of the War on Terror (in 40
minutes or less GUARANTEED or your second pizza is free) using only clip-art cartoons.

Matt Taibbi will read something that will make David Rees look like
William F. Buckley.

Rees and Taibbi on the same bill sounds like an evening not to be missed.