Grade-A Wingnuttery

This is amazing. Often when talking about wingnuts, we use terms like “self-parody” simply because their partisan obsessions become so delusional that it’s nearly impossible to tell satire from truth. Yet, having watched the right for years, I can honestly say that I’m still shocked by some of the shit they come up with. This would seem too ludicrous if it was in The Onion, but here’s the shocking revelation from the conservative blog Atlas Shrugged (via Balloon Juice) :

Barack HUSSEIN Obama is the love child of Malcolm X.

You know what this means, don’t you? Barack HUSSEIN Obama might be genetically predisposed to hate Jews…or something like that.

Future’s so Bright

Reviewed in brief by Roy Edroso at the Voice:

We were flipping through The Future’s So Bright, I Can’t Bear to Look, the new book by Tom Tomorrow (a frequent Voice contributor), and noticed a 2007 strip, partially reproduced here (though very small — the strips are large and luxuriant in the book), that suggests Tom not only saw the fraud inherent in the subprime lending cluster-fuck, but also the coming bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers et alia. As we watch Jon Stewart for news, must we now look to cartoonists for prophecy? Well, “tomorrow” is part of his name. The book makes an attractive gift item and its success will get Tom to quit bugging us to raise his rates.

What can I add, as I shuffle my feet and gaze modestly downward? Oh yeah: buy it!


I wrote this cartoon last summer, when I thought I might need an extra backup while I was away at the DNC. Didn’t end up using it, so I thought I’d toss it out here before its shelf life expires entirely.

(I always have a few things like this sitting around, and up ’til now, I’ve always figured that readers can catch them in the next compilation. But if you people don’t start buying a few more copies of the current compilation, I’m not entirely sure there’s going to be a next one … )

Retro Activity

Adding to what Atrios says here, Glenn Beck this morning was also ranting about how President Obama is going to Destroy All Wealth with his socialistic tax-raising ways. He also suggested that people are currently pulling out of the stock market because Obama is going to raise their taxes.

By the time this thing is over, they will have retroactively blamed the entire financial meltdown on the Obama administration.

(Speaking of Glenn Beck, turns out I know a guy who worked with him in the nineties … going to see if I can get him to talk about it with me …)