
Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard discusses the new album here, with kind words regarding my own contribution to the effort about midway through.

… … another one here. “Dense…multiple images … bizarro otherworldy dreamscape.” That’s about right.

The health care reform plan is so very complicated

Unlike our present system, which is simplicity itself.

…via Digby who, in an unrelated post, makes this very astute observation:

Liberals who follow politics closely are no doubt disoriented to see someone as accomplished as Sonia Sotomayor attacked for being a bullying racist by a bunch of racist bullies, but I think we should probably get a grip and understand that this is what racism looks like in 2009. The assertion of white male privilege through whining victimization is one of the main ways it will be manifested going forward.

Something fishy

I agree, something doesn’t add up with the Cheney story. My first thought this morning as I was reading the paper was that assassination is just a cover story, and the real program probably had something to do with spying on Americans (as Bunch also theorizes). (Think about it — a program to secretly assassinate al Qaeda leaders is just plausible enough as something they would want to hide, without being something likely to elicit much outrage.) In any case, it seems not improbable that there’s some sort of misinformation campaign going on here, and the Times, as usual, is serving as dutiful stenographer.

(edited for clarity)