
I’m told people are still looking for this …

WARNING: clicking link will cause loud rock and roll music to play.

Update to previous post

Email update from the family trying to get their adopted daughter out of China:

We genuinely appreciate everyone’s help and support; the outpouring of emails and help for us has been overwhelming, and we are truly, deeply gratified.

We ask now, that at least for the next day or so, everyone making phone calls to various agencies and the CDC, PLEASE STOP FOR THE MOMENT. The agencies have a very big decision to make today and tomorrow, and they need the peace of mind and clarity to concentrate on doing the right thing.

For work to continue forward at this point on our case, the CDC and all other agencies involved need to be freed up from emails and phone calls. We are under the impression that this could have a favorable ending, so again, PLEASE STOP ALL PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS.

Please post this to any blogs that you may have posted to in the past, or any forums, or in any emails you may have sent. It is urgent that, for the moment, these emails and phone calls stop.

The next two days are critical, pray for us, think good thoughts for us, and send some positive energy our way, we can surely use it right now. We want Harper on the plane with us on Friday!

Thank you,

Jay, Candace and Harper


Interesting article about a guy restoring a Tucker convertible, the provenance of which is apparently controversial in the world of Tucker collectors. Caught my eye because I was an extra in the 1988 film — I seem to recall that in the widescreen version, you could briefly catch a glimpse of me at the edge of the screen, if you knew where and when to look.

In the rightwingoverse

Just a couple quick guesses as to how Bill Clinton’s successful diplomacy will be spun on right wing talk radio today.

Mr. Clinton departed from Pyongyang, the capital, around 8:30 a.m. local time Wednesday, along with the journalists, Laura Ling, 32, and Euna Lee, 36, on a private jet bound for Los Angeles, according to a statement from his office.

A PRIVATE JET? Oh, these limousine liberals! And what about the global warming? WHAT ABOUT THE GLOBAL WARMING?

The North Korean government, which in June sentenced the women to 12 years of hard labor for illegally entering North Korean territory, announced hours earlier that it had pardoned the women after Mr. Clinton apologized to Mr. Kim for their actions, according to the North Korean state media.

He APOLOGIZED? For the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? Can you believe that? Un-be-LIEVABLE! That’s all these liberals ever want to do, is travel around the globe apolgoizing to dictators for the greatest country God ever gave mankind!

Etc., etc.

Update: as god is my witness, this post was written before I visited Roy’s site. (Residual upgrade glitches giving me trouble with links, just cut and paste:)

More downtime

The site will be down tonight from roughly 10 pm to 2 am EST — this time on purpose, for a previously-scheduled upgrade. See you on the other side …

update: and we are again, back