Just a test

Had some downtime this morning, just making sure things are working around here.

… ok, seems like we’re back. Thanks to to Twitter readers for helpful feedback.

In other site news: updates are likely to be sporadic this week, at least from me. The other guys may be popping in, I’m not sure.

What you’re missing…

… if you’re not following me on Twitter:

I’m glad Obama bailed out GM, so GM can spend advertising dollars supporting right wing radio’s constant attacks on Obama.

Also: complaints about humidity and further mockery of smurf avatars. Pearls of wisdom, I tell you.

Well this is interesting

Our story so far: the New Times chain purchases the Village Voice papers, becoming the largest altweekly chain in America — and apparently overleveraging themselves in the process, because when the economy sours, they decide they can no longer afford the less-than-exhorbitant cost of syndicated cartoons and drop them across the entire chain.

Now, interestingly, they are selling the Nashville Scene (one of the former Village Voice papers) to local investors. Not sure what this means for me, but once the sale goes through and we know who the new editor is, it wouldn’t hurt for folks on the ground to start sending a few polite emails on behalf of cartoonists.

… on a somewhat-related note, I also have no idea what this might portend.

Longshot bleg

If this makes no sense to you, then move along, nothing to see here — but are there any kind Mattel employees and/or comics fans out there with an extra “Gleek” from SDCC? I’ll trade you something nifty for it. I’ve got a little kid who loves seventies superhero cartoons, who is about to be disappointed thanks to an a-hole ebay dealer who didn’t make good on a pre-order. Don’t need the whole set, just the monkey. Email: tomtomorrow-AT-ix-DOT-netcom-DOT-com.