Awesome costume

Also from Halloween at the Spectrum. Sorry to say I didn’t see her myself — somebody sent me this pic. I have no idea how she got the half-brain effect. And that’s not just some generic anatomy shirt she’s wearing — that’s based quite specifically on my Backspacer image. Well done, whoever you are.

… also: a better picture of Matt Cameron’s latest kickdrum:

The War on Drugs Dealt by People America Isn’t Friends With

Deal opium and don’t do what the U.S. government tells you to do? Instantaneous death from above!

The Obama Administration has also widened the scope of authorized drone attacks in Afghanistan. An August report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee disclosed that the Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List—the Pentagon’s roster of approved terrorist targets, containing three hundred and sixty-seven names—was recently expanded to include some fifty Afghan drug lords who are suspected of giving money to help finance the Taliban. These new targets are a step removed from Al Qaeda. According to the Senate report, “There is no evidence that any significant amount of the drug proceeds goes to Al Qaeda.”

Deal opium and follow orders to our satisfaction? Knock yourself out!

The inclusion of Afghan narcotics traffickers on the U.S. target list could prove awkward, some observers say, given that President Hamid Karzai’s running mate, Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, and the President’s brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, are strongly suspected of involvement in narcotics. Andrew Bacevich, a professor of history and international relations at Boston University, who has written extensively on military matters, said, “Are they going to target Karzai’s brother?”

Will this massive hypocrisy and brutality generate more than a question or two on the Sunday D.C. talk shows? Nope.

If the U.S. political class will swallow this, is there anything they won’t eat? Would they make trouble if the federal government set up concentration camps on the National Mall? I’m guessing no.

AND: From George Tenet’s book At the Center of the Storm:

The Agency had…been rocked by false allegations in 1996 that some of its members had been complicit in selling crack cocaine to children in California. The allegations were ludicrous, but even attempting to refute them gave legs to a lurid tale.

I like to believe he dictated that while signing off on the next delivery of cash to Ahmed Wali Karzai.

About those posters

In response to a number of questions, yes I did a series of four posters for the Philly shows this week which will form one large scene when placed next to each other (though with gaps left in the images between each poster so they don’t have to be jammed right up against each other to look right, if that makes sense).

Since these were for a series of shows the week of Halloween, my idea was to have a giant retro pop-culture costume-party theme — superheroes, robots, space people, monsters, etc., along with a number of band-related/requested “cameos” in the background, all (at least in my mind’s eye) comprising the audience to the last shows at the Spectrum.

The trick was to design four posters which would each stand alone, would work as a larger image when the full set was displayed together, and would work when displayed in sets of two or three. I knew that some people would be attending all four shows and I wanted to create something special for them, but I didn’t want anyone who could only attend one or two shows feeling that they “had” to get the entire set.

As for questions about a signed and numbered edition of the set — definitely not until after the New Year. I’m still recuperating from the Chicago poster sale.

Also: apparently the images are also being used on shirts. Last night was the first I’d heard about that. I guess you can form a larger image with those as well, if you get three other friends together and each wear a different night’s shirt …