
Congratulations to Mark Fiore, first alt-cartoonist to win the Pulitzer since Feiffer!

And with my old friend Matt Wuerker a finalist, this was a very good year for editorial cartoonists working outside the standard template. (As I noted in my now-obsolete letter to the Pulitzer Board four years ago, the only other remotely non-traditional editorial cartoonists to have ever won the award were Trudeau and Breathed.)

Stuff you should know

… and probably already do. But just in case you’re not up to speed, you really, really need to read Greenwald on the Wikileaks civilian massacre video: here, here, and here for starters. (The first link also leads to the video itself.)

And you really owe it to yourself to watch Rachel Maddow’s definitive takedown of the ACORN hoax, here.