People Are Strange : Part Two

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Reports in India of a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary in the sky have led about 50 people to blind themselves by staring at the sun.

The visions are said to appear over the former home of a hotel owner in the Kottayam area in southeast India, The Daily Telegraph reported. One hospital in the district reported 48 patients had been admitted with burned retinas since last week, the British newspaper reported.

People are strange


NESS CITY, Kan. – A man should be charged for allowing his girlfriend to sit on their toilet so long that her body became stuck to the seat, the sheriff said Thursday.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple was among authorities who discovered the woman last month living in the bathroom of a mobile home she shared with her boyfriend, Kory McFarren.

“The house was cluttered but not in shambles,” he said. “The smell was overpowering — a terrible smell about the house, obviously coming from where she was at.”

McFarren, 36, told police his girlfriend, Pam Babcock, 35, had a phobia about leaving the bathroom and may not have left the bathroom in two years, although he’s unsure how long she was in there.

He said during that time, he brought her food, water, and clean clothes.

“The only thing I am guilty of is I didn’t get her help sooner,” he told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Dean Baker on Fed Bank Bailout

In a must-read, Dean Baker explains here how the Federal Reserve may have just handed over hundreds of billions of government money to America’s richest banks. He also examines the reasons this is a bad idea, both the obvious and the non-obvious.

This is actually important. It would be nice to live in a country where we were capable of paying attention to important things.

How difficult is it not to hire four thousand dollar prostitutes?

I know a lot of people who manage to make it through their daily lives without even hiring a two thousand dollar prostitute.

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More to the point — as dday at Hullaballoo says:

This is an object lesson into why you should not invest yourself so heavily into politicians.

Not to suggest that Hillary or Barack have been sneaking off to brothels, but a lot of people really want to believe that one or the other of them walks on water. Every time one of them is mentioned in a less than favorable light on this blog or in the cartoon, I inevitably receive a flood of angry email from supporters castigating me for my apparent support for the other candidate, whose irredeemable mendacity should surely be obvious to anyone with a few functioning brain cells.

Remember what Kurt Vonnegut said:

There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done … This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.