Politico wisdom

I just heard somebody from The Politico on the Glenn Beck show explaining to the guest host that “Bittergate” is a huge gaffe for Obama, except that it really hasn’t affected the numbers very much because polls show that huge numbers of people actually aren’t very happy with the direction of the country, so it’s hard to argue with what he said, in his, you know, huge gaffe.

Okay then.

What they said


I would like to reiterate D-Day’s call to send emails to ABC today to ask Charlie Gibson to follow up on ABC’s scoop revealing that the highest levels of the executive branch held meetings in the white house to discuss in great detail and unanimously approve of torture techniques. ABC should be proud of their story and asking the Democratic candidates about it in such a big public forum would do a lot to get the story out.

You can contact them here and demand that they follow up their reporting on torture by pushing it into the Presidential race. Contacting World News Tonight with moderator Charlie Gibson and ABC News Programming Specials would probably be the most helpful.

Joe Lieberman: still an ass

In case you were wondering.

NAPITALIANO: Hey Sen. Lieberman, you know Barack Obama, is he a Marxist as Bill Kristol says might be the case in today’s New York Times? Is he an elitist like your colleague Hillary Clinton says he is?

LIEBERMAN: Well, you know, I must say that’s a good question. I know him now for a little more than three years since he came into the Senate and he’s obviously very smart and he’s a good guy. I will tell ya that during this campaign, I’ve learned some things about him, about the kind of environment from which he came ideologically. And I wouldn’t…I’d hesitate to say he’s a Marxist, but he’s got some positions that are far to the left of me and I think mainstream America.