Upcoming events

I’ll be in Italy for the second half of September to promote the crowdfunded Italian compilation, “Il Pazzo Mondo a Stelle e Strisce” (which I think translates roughly as “The Crazy World of Stars and Stripes”). This is the itinerary that I have so far; I will update this as I get more information.

Sept. 16-17: Lector in Fabula cultural festival, Conversano.

Sept. 19, 7 pm: Discussion at Giufà bookshop, near Termini station, via degli Aurunci 38

Sept. 22-24: Dialoghi di Trani festival, Trani.

Sept. 29-30: Internazionale festival, Ferrara.

* * *

And then on the afternoon of Oct. 21, I’ll be giving a presentation at the Witching Hour Festival in my hometown of Iowa City. The event is at the Englert Theatre, which was the movie palace of my childhood, back when movie theaters would run old school animated shorts before the main feature. I spent countless hours at the Englert as a kid, and have been wanting to do an event there since it became a live performance venue, so I’m especially looking forward to this one.

25 Years of Tomorrow

If you missed out on the big Kickstarter compilation, comics publisher IDW has just put out a second edition. (If your local indy bookstore has it in stock, please buy it there, but if not you can buy it through the link below and I get a few bucks as an Amazon affiliate in addition to my royalty.)

This is an expanded edition, with some additional pages of Trump material (up through the election, basically). If you backed the original Kickstarter (at book level or higher) and would like to buy a copy of this edition, email me (tomtomorrow-at-gmail) and I’ll give you a code good for a discount.

Irish Times

I did an interview last week with Patrick Freyne of the Irish Times, ahead of my talk at the Galway Arts Festival in a couple of weeks. The article is here.


Somebody mentioned to me recently that my Wikipedia entry is not exactly up-to-date and boy were they right — judging from my Wiki page, my career stopped in 2009 and before that mostly consisted of some deals that fell through. My understanding is that it’s poor form to edit your own entry, but if anyone wants to take it on, in whole or part, here’s a (not so) short list of omissions and errors:

(UPDATE: continues below the fold. Many of these suggestions have been incorporated; the ones that haven’t are marked in boldface.)

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