And another

The missing public option. For the record, I don’t support killing the bill — any modest improvement will still affect real people’s lives. Maybe this Rube Goldberg contraption, sans public option, really is the best we could ever have hoped for, in this political climate. That doesn’t mean it’s not infuriating.

Here’s the full article referenced in the fourth panel.

As to the question of whether or not Obama campaigned on the public option, I defer to Ezra Klein:

For one thing, it was in his campaign plan, which is to say, he campaigned on it … The White House argues that they didn’t emphasize it in public speeches, and according to Salon’s Alex Koppelmann, that’s true. But speaking as someone who did a lot of reporting on their health-care plan, they emphasized it privately quite a bit. It was, in fact, their answer to a lot of the other flaws in their proposal. So whether Obama used it in his speeches, his campaign purposefully pushed it to, at the least, some reporters, which is to say they worked to ensure that people knew about the public option’s important role in their health-care thinking.

Obama’s latest statement on this is hair-splitting at best and misleading at worst. That’s even more true given how often he mentioned the public option after he got elected. And it’s a good example of why the left is losing its trust in Obama.

Philly poster update

Okay, so life got a little complicated for me for awhile there, but things are starting to calm down … so hopefully I’ll be able to deal with the signed edition of the Philly posters before too long. (You can see the whole set here.) I have more names on the wait list than I have posters, so those are most likely all spoken for already, but if I do end up with any sets left over I’ll post a note here. In the meantime it looks like they’re starting to sell (unsigned) copies of the posters at (click on North American Tour Posters). The catch is, you have to join the fan club ($20, click on Memberships) to be eligible to purchase them, but if you end up buying the whole set, that’s just an extra five bucks a poster. (I have no financial stake in fan club sales, just posting this for those of you who might be interested.)

Friday edit: Second poster goes on sale at today, next two are up next week.

(Also adding, for TMW fans not familiar with the PJ poster world: these are 18 x 24 silk-screened posters — printing is much more beautiful than standard offset litho.)