Babbling Brooks

David Brooks has really been on a roll lately, if by “on a roll” one means “consistently regurgitating Republican talking points.” The other day, he explained that Libby indictment proves that the Plame scandal was much ado about nothing. And today, a wacky, wacky column about Harry Reid, tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorist! Because, you see, Harry …

Reality check

The New York Times has announced that starting next fall, its op-ed pages will be only be available online to people who pay a $50 subscription. The response from the blogs has been predictably negative, in the way that wood ticks might complain if they found that their ability to suck blood from deer in …


One of the first emails that came in this morning was from a reader warning me to brace myself before looking at Brooks’ latest column, and boy was he right. McBobo’s latest canard is that opposition to the appointment of John Bolton as UN ambassador is coming primarily from one-world utopians who in their heart …